[stylist] Blindness, Photography, and Division Web Site

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 9 15:45:59 UTC 2010

Good morning everyone,

    With all of the discussion of the blind and photography our division Web 
site is a wonderful place to showcase the talents of budding blind 
photographers. If you take pictures that would complement your story and 
send it along with a discription of the photo these would be a great way to 
spruce up our division Web site. One of our affiliates had some pictures 
taken by several of its blind members on its Web site. I had a sighted 
person check all site photos before the pages in question went live. All 
pictures including those taken by the blind people were excelent. Hence I 
want to suggest that if anyone has taken pictures that would complement an 
article or a story these would be great to post on the division Web site.

    The only thing I ask is that you include a description of what's being 
shown in the photograph along with the photo file attachment. It is this 
discription that it used as the alt text to describe the images. Happy 
picture taking.

Peter Donahyue
Webmaster, National Federation of the Blind Writers' Division

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