[stylist] Writers' division- August Monthly Telephone Gathering

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri Aug 27 02:28:13 UTC 2010

RE: August Writers' Division's Telephone Gathering- Sunday August 29th 


this is a reminder- Join in on our monthly telephone gathering and interact
with our guest speaker, Dennis H. R. Sumlin, President of the Performing
Arts Division (PAD).(this guy is also a writer and song writer) Let us learn
about the Performing Arts Division; let us ask about what they have to
offer; who joins and what performing arts are represented in the Division;
how does what we do fit into what PAD's members do; Dennis will answer any
of our questions; he will give us information on how PAD is able to be one
of the only Divisions to offer a college scholarship; and more. 


The time is- 8:30 PM Eastern; 7:30 PM Central; 6:30 PM Mountain; 5:30 PM


The phone number to call is- 218-339-4300 


The code is: 568839# (last character is a number sign)


(It will be recorded and posted to our website) 


Robert Leslie Newman


President NFB Writers' division 


Writers' Division Website-




Personal Website- 






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