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James H. "Jim" Canaday M.A. N6YR
n6yr at sunflower.com
Thu Jun 17 22:12:24 UTC 2010
I've subscribed to the "a phrase a week" newsletter for some time
now. don't think have shared it here. below you'll see yesterday's.
From: A Phrase A Week <apaw at phrasefinder.co.uk>
In the nick of time
Just in time; at the precise moment.
The English language gives us the opportunity to be 'in' many things
- <http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/in-the-doldrums.html>the
doldrums, <http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/in-the-offing.html>the
offing, <http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/in-the-pink.html>the
pink; we can even be
<http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/down-in-the-dumps.html>down in
the dumps. With all of these expressions it is pretty easy to see
what they refer to, but what or where is the 'nick of time'? It may
not be immediately obvious what the nick of time is, but we do know
what it means to be in it, i.e. arriving at the last propitious
moment. Prior to the 16th century there was another expression used
to convey that meaning - 'pudding time'. This relates to the fact
that pudding was the dish served first at mediaeval mealtimes. To
arrive at pudding time was to arrive at the start of the meal, just
in time to eat. Pudding was then a savoury dish - a form of sausage
or haggis (see also
proof is in the pudding). Pudding time is first referred to in print
in John Heywood's invaluable glossary A dialogue conteinyng the
nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue, 1546:
This geare comth euen in puddyng time ryghtly.
In the nick of
That seems a perfectly serviceable idiom, so why did the Tudors
change it to 'the nick of time'? The motivation appears to be the
desire to express a finer degree of timing than the vague 'around the
beginning of the meal'. The nick that was being referred to was a
notch or small cut and was synonymous with precision. Such notches
were used on 'tally' sticks to measure or keep score.
Note: the expressions 'keeping score' and 'keeping tally' derive from
this and so do 'stocks' and 'shares', which refer to the splitting of
such sticks (stocks) along their length and sharing the two matching
halves as a record of a deal.
If someone is now said to be 'in the nick' the English would expect
him to be found in prison, the Scots would picture him in the valley
between two hills and Australians would imagine him to be naked. To
Shakespeare and his contemporaries if someone were 'in (or at, or
upon) the (very) nick' they were in the precise place at the precise
time. Watches and the strings of musical instruments were adjusted to
precise pre-marked nicks to keep them in proper order. Ben Jonson
makes a reference to that in the play Pans Anniversary, circa 1637:
For to these, there is annexed a clock-keeper, a grave person, as
Time himself, who is to see that they all keep time to a nick.
Arthur Golding gave what is likely to be the first example of the use
of 'nick' in this context in his translation of Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1565:
Another thing cleane overthwart there commeth in the nicke:
The Ladie Semell great with childe by Jove as then was quicke.
The 'time' in 'the nick of time' is rather superfluous, as nick
itself refers to time. The first example of the use of the phrase as
we now know it comes in Arthur Day's Festivals, 1615:
Even in this nicke of time, this very, very instant.
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