[stylist] stylist Digest, Vol 73, Issue 23

Kerry Thompson uinen at earthlink.net
Fri May 28 22:24:02 UTC 2010

Hi everybody,

Judith, it's perfectly easy to take a drawing, especially if it's on a single sheet of paper, and scan it into the computer. Don't worry about that.

To answer your second point, it would be possible to use existing graphics, clip art and the like. But drawings done specially for the anthology would be preferable, especially if a Federation member, better yet a Writers Division member, could supply them.

Paul, I agree with Donna that at this point you don't need an editor but rather to learn the mechanics of writing. Since you are blind, you can take courses from the Hadley School for the Blind. All courses are free of charge. The only thing you need to do is to fill out an application and send a statement from your eye doctor. Once they process your application, they will send you an orientation lesson, and then, when you complete and return that, you're in business. I've taken several courses from Hadley, including English courses, and have found them to be uniformly excelent. Here is the contact info:

The Hadley School for the Blind
700 Elm Street
Winnetka, IL 60093-2554

Toll Free: 800-323-4238
Fax: 847-446-0855

info at hadley.edu

Web site

Donna is absolutely right that you have a compelling story. You don't want to be forced to accept someone else's idea of how you should tell it. So, work through Hadley's English courses and learn your craft. It will take time, but I think you'll find ways to apply the lessons to your memoir almost at once. Believe me, you won't regret investing the time and effort.

Judith, thanks for Chapter Two. Now I'm curious to see how the two storylines intersect.

You've been working on this story, now novel, for a long time, haven't you? I recognized the hateful gosipy girls who m ade fun of Pessi's shabby clothes, though I don't remember if that was the heroine's name at that point. Please post Chapter Three when you have it.

Solidarity and Peace,

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