[stylist] Update on blind law student's fight to use Jaws on Barexam
Judith Bron
jbron at optonline.net
Tue Nov 30 22:24:20 UTC 2010
Donna, Situations like this totally baffle me. We learned decades ago that
just because someone has a different skin color, they are people first. In
a PC world you can't deny a qualified person a position because they have a
handicap unrelated to the position. For example, you can't deny a blind or
whealchair bound person equal access to the bar exam. Are we still fighting
for equal rights? Do we still have to prove that just because a person is a
member of a minority we first have to prove that he or she is also a human
being? Now that we've concluded that all of this is BS, why is a US court
wasting time deciding if a blind student can use adaptive equipment in order
to complete the exam? Give her a computer devoid of anything except the
exam, give her earphones, wish her luck and let her fill out the exam.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net>
To: "Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [stylist] Update on blind law student's fight to use Jaws on
> Ah, Judith, but this is for the Bar exam. Surely the people involved are
> aware of the law. Maybe employing a judge and lawyers is the point. Just
> being facitious, as I am really at a loss to explain how things like this
> still happen.
> Donna
> Read Donna's articles on
> Suite 101:
> www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/donna_hill
> Ezine Articles:
> http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=D._W._Hill
> American Chronicle:
> www.americanchronicle.com/authors/view/3885
> Connect with Donna on
> Twitter:
> www.twitter.com/dewhill
> LinkedIn:
> www.linkedin.com/in/dwh99
> FaceBook:
> www.facebook.com/donna.w.hill.
> Hear clips from "The Last Straw" at:
> cdbaby.com/cd/donnahill
> Apple I-Tunes
> phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=259244374
> Check out the "Sound in Sight" CD project
> Donna is Head of Media Relations for the nonprofit
> Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind:
> www.padnfb.org
> On 11/30/2010 3:17 PM, Judith Bron wrote:
>> Sean, I disagree with you. If a person can't walk, giving them a
>> whealchair makes sense. Helping them find a home where everything is on
>> one floor and they have easy access to the house or apartment makes
>> perfect sense. If someone is deaf then helping them get a car adapted
>> for a deaf person makes sense. If a person is blind and can't read a
>> written exam but knows how to work on adaptive equipment allowing them to
>> take their exam on that equipment using a headset makes perfect sense.
>> True, people who aren't handicapped don't want to think about the
>> possibility, but in the back of their mind they know these things exist
>> and can happen to anyone because of accident or illness. My complaint
>> with this whole court thing is that using common sense you can solve the
>> problem, the woman can take her bar exam using adaptive equipment and
>> life goes on without employing a judge and jury. Judith
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacobson, Shawn D"
>> <Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov>
>> To: "'Writer's Division Mailing List'" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Update on blind law student's fight to use Jaws on
>> Barexam
>>> Judith
>>> You are right, all of this just makes common sense to a blind person.
>>> To a sighted person, nothing about blindness makes common sense because
>>> in order for it to make common sense you have to think about it and the
>>> last thing a sighted person wants to do is to think about blindness.
>>> Shawn
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>> Behalf Of Judith Bron
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:31 PM
>>> To: Writer's Division Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [stylist] Update on blind law student's fight to use Jaws
>>> on Bar exam
>>> Situations like this are so common sense that one has to wonder why they
>>> made it into the courts at all. Give the person using a screen reader a
>>> headset and let them take their test be it a final exam for elementary
>>> or
>>> high school, College exams or a professional licensing exam. Aren't we
>>> taught as sighted children that we have to look both ways before
>>> crossing
>>> the street? Aren' the sight impaired taught to listen for cars? Now we
>>> have to go to court to impress on them that the blind have to hear a car
>>> or
>>> risk being struck down. I can' be the only one who craves common sense
>>> in a
>>> system where it seems we have to go to court to be given the right to
>>> breathe. We certainly can't go to the airports for rights. Judith
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net>
>>> To: <stylist at nfbnet.org>; "nfbp-talk" <nfbp-talk at yahoogroups.com>;
>>> "Performing Arts Division list" <perform-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:55 PM
>>> Subject: [stylist] Update on blind law student's fight to use Jaws on
>>> Bar
>>> exam
>>> Hi Friends,
>>> Just came across the following article on the San Fransisco Lighthouse
>>> site and thought some of you might be interested. I'm copying the
>>> article after the URL.
>>> Donna
>>> ***
>>> Blindness Civil Rights Advocacy Alert
>>> http://www.lighthouse-sf.org/blog/blindness-civil-rights-advocacy-alert/
>>> San Francisco continues to be a legal crucible for blindness civil
>>> rights and on Monday, December 6, 2010, the next chapter in our long
>>> struggle will take
>>> place in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. If you want to witness how
>>> civil rights are won one step at a time, please consider attending this
>>> hearing and
>>> lending your support.
>>> The following is an announcement from Stephanie Enyart's legal team:
>>> "The blind community is encouraged to rally behind Ms. Stephanie Enyart
>>> as her case
>>> is argued before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
>>> Ms. Enyart is a blind law school graduate seeking admission to the
>>> California Bar.
>>> She has requested to use JAWS on the Bar Exam. The testing entity denied
>>> her request citing security concerns. It is important for the court, the
>>> press
>>> and other interested parties to understand that the blind community
>>> cares about this issue. Blind students should be able to take
>>> standardized tests using
>>> their assistive technology. It is no longer acceptable that all blind
>>> test-takers should be required to use only human readers when their
>>> preferred method
>>> of accessing print may be through another method such as computer screen
>>> review programs. Members of the blind community are encouraged to attend
>>> the public
>>> hearing on December 6 to show their support for Ms. Enyart's position."
>>> Attendees will need a government-issued photo ID to enter the courtroom.
>>> When: Monday, December 2010, 1:00 p.m.
>>> Where: John R. Browning U.S. Courthouse, United States Court of Appeals
>>> - 9th Circuit, Courtroom 3, 3rd Floor
>>> Address: 95 Seventh Street, San Francisco, California 94103
>>> Please share this with your contacts to ensure a strong turnout in
>>> support of Ms. Enyart and blindness civil rights.
>>> --
>>> Read Donna's articles on
>>> Suite 101:
>>> www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/donna_hill
>>> Ezine Articles:
>>> http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=D._W._Hill
>>> American Chronicle:
>>> www.americanchronicle.com/authors/view/3885
>>> Connect with Donna on
>>> Twitter:
>>> www.twitter.com/dewhill
>>> LinkedIn:
>>> www.linkedin.com/in/dwh99
>>> FaceBook:
>>> www.facebook.com/donna.w.hill.
>>> Hear clips from "The Last Straw" at:
>>> cdbaby.com/cd/donnahill
>>> Apple I-Tunes
>>> phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=259244374
>>> Check out the "Sound in Sight" CD project
>>> Donna is Head of Media Relations for the nonprofit
>>> Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind:
>>> www.padnfb.org
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>>> Database version: 6.16410
>>> http://www.pctools.com/en/spyware-doctor-antivirus/
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> http://www.pctools.com/en/spyware-doctor-antivirus/
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