[stylist] problems with list

James H. "Jim" Canaday M.A. N6YR n6yr at sunflower.com
Sun Oct 24 05:35:45 UTC 2010

  I tried to send the following reply to the thread, and my eudora 
told me it had an attachment of over 500k in size!!!
that may be the problem!

the only problem I have had is not with jaws.  twice now, since my 
last post, stylist posts have crashed my eudora.
(eudora is a mail program)

At 11:54 PM 10/23/2010, you wrote:
>I was experiencing similar issues earlier too.  I thought JAWS was just
>acting screwy, but now that you mention the same thing, I wonder.
>I've also had a lot of problems with doing replies with Stylist emails.
>Usually JAWS will be on a long delay if it decides to work at all.
>Tonight has been really bad.  Even in MS Outlook I've been having

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