[stylist] synopsis

loristay loristay at aol.com
Sun Oct 24 23:12:23 UTC 2010

Judith, I think you get too specific here.  i may be looking at an old one, but here's my take;  Distracted by Jennifer's accident, Foster mother Sheila reflects back to the day a mysterious messenger left a package for Jen to be handed over on her 17th  birthday.  Because the contents were in a foreign language, the mystery only deepened.
On Oct 22, 2010, at 2:57:05 PM, "Judith Bron" <jbron at optonline.net> wrote:

Jennifer's foster mother, SHEILA, spent most of the day with her injured foster daughter. Heading to her car she thinks back to a few months earlier when a STRANGE MESSENGER delivered the only possessions left by Jennifer's parents, a book with an inserted paper written in a foreign language. The messenger handed Sheila the items and left. After closing the door Sheila ran to the window to watch him drive away, but no car appeared on the street or driveway. She couldn't see a man walking away from the house. Now she thought about Jennifer's survival of what should have been a deadly accident. She wondered about the items that the messenger told her to give to Jennifer on her seventeenth birthday. 

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