[stylist] thank you

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 31 21:03:21 UTC 2010

Thank you to everyone who has supported my blog.  I know we all do not
have the time to support everything, but I do appreciate those who have
taken the time to read the blog.
I do not always blog strictly about blindness, but it is the more
politically charged topic over diabetes and I can really use the support
of fellow blind folk.  I have already received comments and questions
that reach beyond my knowledge and expertise, but as a whole, we have a
wealth of knowledge and expertise!  *smile*  I encourage you to read and
comment on the blog and others comments.  Yes, this is great for me, but
I wonder if we can't make it great for the Federation and blind people
in geneeral.
Anyway, thanks again.

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