[stylist] Writers' Division Monthly Gathering- Tomorrow!

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Apr 30 17:56:34 UTC 2011

Tomorrow-  Sunday, May 1st , will be our April/May gathering. 

Our topic is- Communicating with our Local Newspapers

Our Special Guest- who was unable to meet with us back in February will be
with us and that is --- Elizabeth Campbell, Chairperson of the Blind
Professional Journalists Group. 


With the recent discussion on STYLIST of the importance of and the "best
practice" on how to get the attention of local newspapers, I have made
arrangements for one of our very own NFB professional journalist to be our
guest. Elizabeth lives in Fort Worth, Texas and  is a reporter for the Fort
Worth Star Telegram. (She was originally from Omaha, Nebraska; where I
presently live.)


Liz will be our sounding board, taking all our questions and sharing her
experience and expertise gained from years of professional experience in


Another good thing which has come from this topic, is --- the Writers'
Division will very soon provide an easy to find and use guide to the
creation of a press release. It will be readable and down-loadable from our
Division's Website. (Watch for its unveiling!)


Now about Sunday's gathering!!!

Time: 8:30 Eastern; 7:30 Central; 6:30 Mountain; 5:30 Pacific 

Number to call: (218) 339-4300

Code:  568839 (followed by the pound sign)


Robert Leslie Newman

President, Omaha Chapter NFB 

President- NFB Writers' Division

Division Website


Personal Website-






Robert Leslie Newman

President, Omaha Chapter NFB

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website


Personal Website-






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