[stylist] Submissions for fall issue of Slate & Style

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 7 22:51:33 UTC 2011

Dear Stylist and Writers division members,
The deadline for the fall issue of Slate & Style draws near.  If you
wish to submit a piece- article, fiction/creative nonfiction or poetry-
to be considered for the fall issue, I must have your submission by
Sunday, August 21.  Below are submission guidelines: (note- submissions
not sent following guidelines will not be considered, read guidelines
Our next issue of Slate & Style will release in the fall.  All
submissions must be turned in by August 21 for consideration in the fall
issue.  Please follow the submission guidelines listed:

Articles are to be 1500 words or less.  Fiction and creative nonfiction
submissions are to be 3000 words or less.  Poems are to be 36 lines or

Include a separate title page (either as another attachment, or as a
separate page connected to your submission) with author name, title of
each piece and contact info-phone, email and address.  Please include a
brief bio of yourself-no more than 150 words, again, as attachment, or
included on separate page with submission attachment.

All email submissions must be attachments and sent to
bpollpeter at hotmail.com.  Do not paste entries into the body of an email.
In the subject line, write:  Slate & Style submission, your full name,
genre (fiction, poetry, article, etc.) and title of each submission.

If you send a submission via snail mail, please use a standard font so
it can be scanned with no complications.

Use MS Word or create an RTF for all submissions.

Make sure to proofread and check your own grammar and formatting.

Slate & Style will consider all submissions for publication.  However,
please refrain from graphic sexual and violent content as well as
language and anti-religious, anti-gender, anti-racial and
anti-homosexual orientation content.  Material will be published
according to the discretion of the editor though.

 Please direct all questions to Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter, editor for
Slate & Style.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Editor, Slate & Style
bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Read my blog for Live Well Nebraska.com at

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