[stylist] The tragic Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 14 01:07:15 UTC 2011


I don't see why we can't be political.  Any dialogue must happen between
writers so we can best capture the experiences of the world.

The opening comparison of violence with candy and children is a powerful
contrast.  Keep this element throughout.  This story is rich for
creative nonfiction.  Use conjecture to get into the mind of each person
mentioned.  Create scenes that attempt to understand each person and
what happened.

When writing with an agenda or concept, rely on scenic development and
characterization to carry the message instead of using narration to step
in as the writer.  Some may be turned off by the outright
fingerpointing, but if they are led down that trail gradually, it is
more powerful.

Also, like with fiction, nonfiction should have some complexity with
characters.  The shooter in Arizona committed a horrible, unexcusable
crime, but he suffered psychological problems.  It is hard to find
compassion for those who seem to have no soul, but it is good to attempt
to find some complexity in each person.

You have very strong feelings about this, and we are all touched by the
tragedy.  I know you were expressing yourself, but there is so much
potential in this.  You could really delve into the piece and reach a
deeper universal.  Right now, it reads more like a newspaper report, but
I can see so much more in it.  Perhaps literary journalism.


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