[stylist] Political pieces and the list

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Fri Jan 14 22:23:33 UTC 2011

It would seem to me this is a writers' list, in which we deal with the 
problems of writing.   Yes, there were some technical problems in Judith's piece 
which have been addressed, and that is fine.   However, the fact that the 
subject was political does somewhat violate the limits of this list.

I realize you may not all agree with me.   However, I am hoping that we can 
come to a compromise;   Let's keep   politics off limits for now.   If a 
piece is political when it is presented, please note at the beginning that the 
content is political, but the piece is presented for grammatical, 
structural and punctuational feedback rather than political agreement or 


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