[stylist] Political pieces and the list

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Jan 18 14:22:05 UTC 2011

Guys ----no one is saying you cannot post a political piece to STYLIST. Just
as we went through the process of addressing adult content posts, we have
been going through the same basic thrashing out of how to handle political
content. So yes, expect that you can get assistance with the writing, any
kind you ask for. Politics is a big, big dynamic in our lives and it is no
surprise that we recently experienced how it can and will elicit strong
response which has very little to do with the mechanics of writing (yeah,
there is always some cause and effect in the power of a piece depends upon
the skill at which it is written). And on this note of laying down what I
think is a reasonable request/rule of using the "subject-line" to warn the
reader that the contents is of a political nature, do it and we can avoid
open, general post that are potentially hurtful and not at all what the
average reader of STYLIST wants to encounter in this very helpful forum. 

Note: I will not outline, nor request that we outline a list of all the
types of content that will be handled in this fashion. We will address them
as they come up. (Which has not been often.)

No that for newcomers, it may be necessary to make them aware of how to
present these two types of content and how it is that they can be posted.
(No matter in what format it can come in- short story form like Science
fiction, or poetry, or article, etc.)  

Also, know that if I find that a member of STYLIST will not honor what I and
we feel is a reasonable request, I will first communicate with that
individual requesting that they stop, and if they do not, they will be
temporarily suspended from STYLIST (say a week or so) and if they continue
to disrespect our rule, they will be band. 

In closing, know that I am one of the most liberal-minded people around,
almost to a fault. And when it is necessary to lay down the law, as it were,
I'll do it. Let us keep this forum forging ahead! 

Robert Leslie Newman
President- NFB Writers' Division
Division Website
Personal Website-

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