[stylist] Monthly Telephone Meeting - January, is tomorrow

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sun Jan 30 04:30:59 UTC 2011

Reminder- RE: Our January Telephone Gathering is Tomorrow Night!

The Topic: Technical Writing (from an expert in the field)

Date: January 30th (call info at the bottom of message)


Dear Members We Meet With Char Tomorrow Night 


If you cannot make it, do you have a question or two that you would like to
be answered? Send them to me and I will ask them for you. Recall, this
meeting will be recorded (to be read upon our Division's Website and/or
emailed to you to read).


I do hope that a good number of you will call in for this telephone
gathering. We are fortunate to have lined up an expert in the field of
"Technical Communications," or Technical writing. 


If you haven't seen her BIO, here it is- this lady I believe will prove to
be a very interesting speaker. If you can work your schedule to make it, I
bet it will be worth your while, no matter if you have a desire to become a
technical writer or not. 




Char James-Tanny is president of JTF Associates, Inc. and has thirty years
of experience as a technical writer and technical communicator. She speaks
around the world on topics including Help authoring concepts and tools,
accessibility, social media, web standards, collaboration, and technology.
Char has been a Microsoft Help MVP since 2002 and is a senior member of the
Society for Technical Communication.




In the early 80s, most people thought tech writers were the people who wrote
the programs. A lot has changed since then: "technical communication" is now
the recognized field and "technical writers" is now recognized as a distinct
profession by the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).


During this informal session, learn more about technical writing: what it is
(and isn't), how it differs from creative writing, what types of companies
use tech writers,  what educational opportunities are available, and how to
keep up with the latest information. The last half of the session will be
open for questions and answers.



Time: 8:30 Eastern; 7:30 Central; 6:30 Mountain; 5:30 Pacific 

Number to call: (218) 339-4300

Code:  568839 (followed by the pound sign)


Robert Leslie Newman

President- NFB Writers' Division

Division Website


President, Omaha Chapter NFB

Personal Website-



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