[stylist] FW: Poets.org: Ghost Poems, New Pinsky Video, Muldoon & Komunyakaa in Conversation, Rukeyser's Life of Poetry & More
Jacqueline Williams
jackieleepoet at cox.net
Mon Oct 24 17:55:16 UTC 2011
Fellow writers,
I said I would try to send an issure of Poets and Writers on the web. I do
not know what will happen. Let me know if it gets through.
From: Academy of American Poets [mailto:poetnews at poets.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 9:41 AM
To: poetnews at poets.org
Subject: Poets.org: Ghost Poems, New Pinsky Video, Muldoon & Komunyakaa in
Conversation, Rukeyser's Life of Poetry & More
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October 2011
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Browse poems for Halloween
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New on Poets.org
Haunted Verse: Poems About Ghosts
A Fundamental Art: New Pinsky Video
A Life of Poetry: Rukeyser on Audience
Poetic Encouragement: Muldoon & Komunyakaa in Conversation
"What was said to the rose": Jalal al-Din Rumi
11&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=content&utm_content=poetpets> Haunted
Verse: Poems About Ghosts
The ghosts swarm. / They speak as one / person. Each / loves you. Each / has
left something / undone..."writes Rae Armantrout. In honor of the spooky
season, browse this compilation of haunted poetryincluding work by Lucie
Brock-Broido, Carolyn Forché, Garrett Hongo, Edgar Allan Poe, Dylan Thomas,
and more.
On the web at: www.poets.org/ghosts
11&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=content&utm_content=pinsky_video> A
Fundamental Art: New Pinsky Video
"This is a fundamental, central human art. The kids may not do it the way we
do it. But if you take a two-year-old or three-year-old on your lap and you
read Walter de la Mare, or Dr. Seuss, or Robert Louis Stevenson, or Edward
Lear...the child doesn't have to study something. The child loves hearing
the language with the rhythm in it. It's in us."
Watch Pinsky discuss poetic inspiration at the 2010 Poets Forum and read the
full transcript.
On the web at: www.poets.org/rpins
See the Chancellors of the Academy of American Poets in discussion at the
fifth annual Poets Forum
edium=newsletter&utm_campaign=content&utm_content=poetsforum> in New York
City, October 20-22.
try> A Life of Poetry: Rukeyser on Audience
"A poem does invite, it does require. What does it invite? A poem invites
you to feel. More than that: it invites you to respond. And better than
that: a poem invites a total response." Read what Muriel Rukeyeser
medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=content&utm_content=rukeyser_bio> has to say
about the possibility of a personal engagement with modern poetryexcerpted
from the first chapter of her seminal work: The Life of Poetry.
On the web at: www.poets.org/mruke
> Poetic Encouragement: Muldoon & Komunyakaa in Conversation
Muldoon: When you were a child, did your
father encourage you?
Komunyakaa: My mother encouraged me, my
father wanted me to work right beside him.
Muldoon: Encouragement is extremely
important. My daughter and I were in a restaurant
the other night and in the middle of the dinner
my daughter says, 'Okay, I have a poem. Have
you got a piece of paper?'
Explore the relationship of these two poets as they discuss the difficulty
of writing and the support systems necessary to make great literature.
On the web at: www.poets.org/ykomu
medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=content&utm_content=rumi_bio> "What was said
to the rose": Jalal al-Din Rumi
"Love will find its way through all languages on its own." As well as being
the author of the Masnavi-ye Ma'navi (Spiritual Verses), a sixty-four
thousand line epic, and one of his most personal works, Rumi has gained
popularity for his innovative lyrics. Browse his poems and find out more
about this iconic Iranian poet.
On the web at: www.poets.org/rumi
Thanks for being a part of the Poets.org community. You may unsubscribe
sletter&utm_campaign=unsub&utm_content=default_footerlink> from this
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