[stylist] Halloween themed Journal Entry...a writing exercise I once did.

KajunCutie926 at aol.com KajunCutie926 at aol.com
Mon Oct 24 18:41:25 UTC 2011

Journal Entry 10/29

Whew!!  What a  dream I just had.  Well, I hope it was a dream!
It all began with a  phone call...

'Hey, wanna do I fish fry?'  I heard through the  static of a bad 

"Hmmm.. food!  I'm in!  Masquerade  party too?  Woohoo... ya'll need a few 
more witches, eh?"  Snatching  my broom on the way out the door I went!

What a crowd! The Grim Reaper  kept watch at the Crypt, a ghostly (and 
ghastly) looking gathering place.  Goblins and ghoulies, witches and ghosts, 
even a vulture or two (sick puppies in  this group I think), were scattered 
around.  Pumpkin faces in tortured  grimace perched on poles shed sallow light, 
flickering ghoulishly. 

I was  beginning to second guess myself... had my friends all fallen into 
the land of  weird?  

Some harpy began cackling 'We need more witches!  It's  almost time!'  I 
was then grabbed by a devilish trickster who snickered,  'You heard her... we 
need more witches!'  I was aghast at being  witch-handled this way!  How 
dare they!

I twisted and turned,  wincing when my foot struck the claw-footed 
cauldron.  A cascade of flour  was tossed at me, on me, around me.. what is going 
on? Was that me  yelling?  "What are you doing? Stop that! Dusting me with  

"Oh, my pretty, we are preparing the 'witch fry'!" the harpy  cackled.

The whaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttt????

"No! No! It's a FISH  fry!  A FISH fry I tell you!" And yes that was me 
yelling as I ran... and  ran... and ran!

Whew... I woke in a cold sweat!  I'm not sure if  it was something I ate or 
something I read or something weird I watched on TV  but I will never do 
whatever again!!  I rolled out of bed and went to get  something to drink.  I 
came back and it was then I saw the floured  footprints....

It was a dream.... 

Wasn't it?  I mean,  really, wasn't it???

Until later... (I'm vacuuming up my dream  now)

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