[stylist] Division Resource and extended BIO pages, talk

Peter Donahue pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com
Thu Sep 15 15:55:15 UTC 2011

Hello Robert and everyone,

Some of what we want to do can be achieved by creating a Web site database. 
I suggested to Robert that we create one this year and plan to launch it at 
next year's national convention. I'm more than glad to work with those 
wanting to assist me with development of a "Resource" component of the Web 

    Sorry to be so quiet. One of our computers was taking down by the "PC 
Performance" virus making it necessary to replace Mary's computer. We expect 
to do that around the first of October. We've also been dealing with some 
personal situations and some local chapter controversy. All the best.

Peter Donahue

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Leslie Newman" <newmanrl at cox.net>
To: "'Writer's Division Mailing List'" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 9:40 AM
Subject: [stylist] Division Resource and extended BIO pages, talk

Brad and others:

#1 We have talked about a resource page --- I believe we all agree of the
importance of one. It's been dropped with no one wanting to spearhead the
effort. So if we get the right person ---- we can do it! (Jim has appeared
to have voiced his services and I'll get him (Jim) and Peter our present
webmaster together and we'll look at getting this moving!)

#2 We should push to get members BIOs and other interesting facts and
services up.  (Not a requirement for membership, but an opportunity to get
yourself known.) Advertising your skills is a good thing.

-----Original Message-----
From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Brad Dunse'
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 8:28 AM
To: newmanrl at cox.net; Writer's Division Mailing List
Subject: Re: [stylist] Quick poll

Some of us do have bios up, but they are more like "Here's  my brief
history" kind of thing, at least mine was, but yes, a professional shingle
page would be helpful. Our songwriter group here has a member's page that
has a link to the person's email, a little bit about what they do if they
wish, and also optional is a sampling of their work. I'd gotten a $300
writing job off that page. Actually I never got him the songs he wanted due
to  his canceling out the project but he wouldnt' take the money back :).
Point being, clients might well look at it  as they search out writers for
projects or even to contact for mentorship or accountability.

Another idea  as long as I'm here that might be a good thing to do, of
course it would take time and who of us has extra of that these days, but if
we could somehow skim off or collect  the various resources we use as
writers. Everything from the newsletters as was in a recent thread, to which
dictionaries or thesauruses are good/accessible/etc. Rather than someone
reinventing the wheel, I'm always looking to look for a tire store :). If
everyone were to email the various resources when they ran across it or
better yet, when they use it, maybe there could be a page dedicated to links
to them?
I'd guess emailing one person who would be willing to organize it rather
than listwide posts. I've done similar on my own with songwriting resources
in html format, and it can be pretty time consuming but very honestly it
could be even a link to a downloadable XLS spreadsheet where resources are
all listed alphabetically and presssing enter on the resource wil take you

Just a thought.


On 9/15/2011  07:46 AM Robert Leslie Newman said...
>This would be interesting and worthy to log in a division's membership
>profile. (If people were to send me what it is that they do --- for
>money or for fun --- I would store that and that then begs the question
>of how best to store it so that a search is best possible --- another
>previous idea was to have members (who wish) post a bio on the
>Division's Website, in a sense, "hanging out  their shingle. (telling
>what they do for themselves, or will do for others)."
>-----Original Message-----
>From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>Behalf Of Brad Dunse'
>Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:25 PM
>To: Writer's Division Mailing List
>Subject: [stylist] Quick poll
>Are there any free lance commercial writers on list? Someone who  helps
>with ad agency overflows, free lance writing individual or business
>pres releases, business letters, contracts, speechs, resume's, etc.?
>Basically writing that is not looking for so
>called   "published" status.  I know Joe had a  web shingle out a
>while back. anyone else in this now or before?
>Brad Dunse
>Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. --Oscar Wilde
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Brad Dunse

If you tickle the ivories more than you tickle your sweetheart...
you might be a songwriter. --Capt'n Frank




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http://www.nfb-writers-division.net <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/>

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