[stylist] Message From Jim Canaday

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Sep 20 02:28:34 UTC 2011

**I wrote Jim and here is his response:

Dear Robert,

thank you for writing and encouraging!

I am sending the dues in soon, have not forgotten it.  

I have missed the list terribly.  

after the computer problems of last winter, I got suddenly very sick march
11th, medication for that caused me to take on far too much fluid, and I am
still dealing with that; it means that typing is a little uncertain with
fluid in fingers and hands.  

then pushing my wife's wheelchair in the house, I fractured a vertebrae in
my low back, called acute ouch! still dealing with that, much pain today,
limits how much time I can sit at my computer, hope will resolve in a month
or six  weeks.  then, in july I spent more time in the hospital than at
home, no kidding.  my colon ruptured, I nearly died and was dilirious for
five days.  

since that I've been hospitalized twice, mostly small stuff.  


when I was dilirious I had creative dilirium, and wrote quite a story in my
head: medical mystery plus science fiction and historical fiction.  hope I
get to write it when my back heals!  when my dear wife visited me in ICU
then I did not recognize her at all, and she couldn't understand what I was
saying and yelling.  I am now famous in my hospital as that patient who kept
calling, yelling, his own "code blue" and scaring the bejesus out of
hospital staff.  lol


an example of the typing problem: thrice during typing this, my right pinky
has hit the applications key instead of the shift key.  


please feel free to forward this to my dear friends on stylist; I miss them.
I will try to make the teleconference this month.  



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