[stylist] Writing workshops

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 21 00:51:16 UTC 2011


I completely understand your situation. As I said, it was just another
option to consider. Most writing groups do operate by sharing and
reading work. This is essentially how it worked in my classes. One thing
to keep in mind is that, whether school or writing group, there are some
things you can do to participate in groups like this.

Have participants email copies of their work they plan to share so you
have a version to read independently with a computer or notetaker. They
can also bring their work on a flash drive so you can pull it up on a
computer or notetaker.

Reading out loud can be problematic for a lot of blind people, and I
think it is more in part because we're never expected to read out loud,
so even the best Braille user is self-conscious when asked to read out
loud. I've handled this a couple of ways as I can't read Braille quick
enough for this purpose. 1. I've memorized pieces so I can read my own
work. I love reading out loud, and I have a background in theatre and
even minored in it at university, so I miss this. Memorizing sections
allowed me to read my own work. 2. I've had a fellow classmate read a
section for me. Usually there is someone willing to assist with reading
your work.

I say don't think you can't participate because it seems difficult.
Usually there are simple solutions. This is in no way a criticism,
though. It's tough living in an area with bad, or no, public
transportation. And a family doesn't allow a mom to have much free time!

I was just offering an option not always considered, and as I mentioned,
online classes are a good way to learn as well. Atty and others have
learned a lot this way.

Good luck; we look forward to hearing from you.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 13
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:40:50 -0400
From: Brenda <bjnite at windstream.net>
To: Writer's Division Mailing List <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [stylist] Writing workshops
Message-ID: <4E77B6E2.7080300 at windstream.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Bridget

I realize the importance of human input and have considered local 
classes and groups with no success.  For me the online approach is the 
most feasible at this time.  Even if I were totally sighted, I would be 
focusing on online options due to my family situation.  Since I am now 
blind, I took the step to contact this list.

I live in a rural area with no reliable means of public transportation.

Online classes is a way for me to adapt to my situation.  It is a 
start.  I am in a household situation where I can develop the discipline

and grow to the point where the cumbersome travel to a local group or 
class might be more acceptable.  Perhaps I might even meet people online

who would want to start a local group.

A local group may be more problematic for me as usually participants 
read their work to the group or maybe group members pass around their 
work, not sure.  In my case, I never was taught Braille because high 
partial sighted students were not given this opportunity.  Even if I 
started learning Braille now, I would not be proficient enough to read 
in a group setting nor would I be able to read selections of others.

I do appreciate your comments and am very thankful for the links to 
online courses list members have sent me.


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