[stylist] Taking a class

Brad Dunse' lists at braddunsemusic.com
Thu Sep 22 18:25:13 UTC 2011


Congratulations to taking the next step in your writing career, that 
is awesome. What impressed me is you came on-list asking questions, 
found what you needed and in no time you are applying it. Myself once 
a sighted person, then high partial and now probably high light 
perception user having to learn how to rely on screen readers, I 
understand your transition. But I can see from your courage to move 
forward you'll do just fine. Again congratulations!


On 9/22/2011  11:57 AM Brenda said...
>Good morning list
>I did it! I signed up for the Beginning Writers Workshop class 
>through my local college on ed2go.com all by myself.  I had a little 
>trouble getting set up, but everything is resolved now.  This class 
>will be an excellent opportunity for me to develop my writing 
>ability AND become more proficient in the use of my screen reader 
>Window Eyes.  As my vision fades my approach to computers and 
>everything in my life is to learn as I go.  I am good at basic 
>internet surfing, but this class will force me to do a little more 
>while I focus on my writing.  In the future if I go to a workshop 
>next spring or find a local writers group, I will get to develop my 
>mobility skills./smile
>FYI, By signing up for the course through a local college I saved $40.
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Brad Dunse

Sometimes you really can't go around what you've got to go through
...but you can always get through what seems impossible to get over" 
--Capt'n Frank




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