[stylist] for barbara comments on story

vejas brlsurfer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 22:50:02 UTC 2012

Hi Barbara,
First, I just wanted to say, I loved your story.
Contrary to what Shawn said, I believe you didn't go too far into 
detail about the classroom; you described it so we knew where we 
were in the story.
I do have some suggesttions that maybe you can improve on:
First, it didn't seem clear to me when I read it that Zephyr was 
the only blind instructor.
I don't understand exactly why Teresa was upset with Zephyr even 
before Zephyr met Zach.
There are two quotes that don't make sense to me:
 "He laughed, too.  He had forgotten that her ghost, like so many 
others of children past, still haunted every nook and cranny." I 
thought this would turn into a ghost story of some sort, but it 

  "I'll bet more than that.  You do know I was her baby?" This 
quote has to do tthe house parent, so is it figurative, in that 
she just reation liked Zephyr?

The other thing I don't understand is, why does Libby assume that 
her twins are Thomas's, and says that they are dark-skinned? 
Presumably, since they are Jeffrey's and Thomas is the only 
dark-skinned person in the town, they'd be light-skinned.

Also, I don't quite understand Jeffrey.  True, he always comes to 
Zephyr when he's drunk, but it made me wonder what he were like 
when he were sober.  If and when he became sober, he should at 
least feel guilty of sneaking into Zephyr's house.
I like the suspense of this story, and think you've done a rather  
good job.  (And you managed to put many sets of twins, and 
triplets in it lol.)
Are you planning on expanding this?

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