[stylist] Inspiration of wonder

Jacobson, Shawn D Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov
Mon Aug 20 17:46:20 UTC 2012

Dear writer's division

When last I Emailed, I had just sent a poem, Reunion 100, to Asimov's Science Fiction magazine.  After lengthy deliberation, 8 weeks, they decided to reject it.

So I will send them another one this week, see below.  I entered it in the contest, it didn't do anything, so I looked it over, UG! So I did some serious retooling of the peace so that it looks better, at least I think so.

Please take a look and see what you think.

Shawn Jacobson
Mathematical Statistician
Phone# (202)-475-8759
Fax# (202)-485-0275

Inspiration of Wonder
by Shawn Jacobson
While reading Zenna's people stories
I heard the God of light-year strides
condescend to speak in divine language
that reach into my innermost being where runs
the code that steers my soul
to touch all with joy and wonder.

And my soul did mount up like an eagle,
that forged the stars.  And walking with the presence I strove to shine
with its light and share its love.  My spirit vaulted
to grateful heights and soaring for a while...

But now with soaring done and spirit fled
I stand alone deserted by the one.  I hold the shards
of joy and trudge the darkness.  I search for the path,
and seek the light, the way of joy, wonder lost.

But then why should I seek strange gods, this alien El Shadi,
when safer gods are neigh?  And in my search do I find the author of life, or merely comely imposters with winsome lies?  Hope is my only beacon.

Troubled as I am
I strive just to be human
and struggle with that.

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