[stylist] Writers' Division Monthly Telephone Gathering- Sunday Feb. 26th- Speaker from the American Association of Publishers
Robert Leslie Newman
newmanrl at cox.net
Fri Feb 24 19:25:29 UTC 2012
Dear Writers' Division and/or STYLIST Member
RE: February 26th Telephone Gathering
Topic: Guest speaker from the Association of American Publishers
Our guest speaker is Allan Adler, head of government affairs for the
American Association of Publishers (AAP). Allan tells me that in his work
for the publishing side of the book selling business, there is much
crossover to what is most important to the author. Thus with the training
and various other services he provides to AAP's members, he often also
speaks to writers groups. I feel he has much to offer us. And so though he
may begin with how content creators such as authors and publishers protect
copyright, he can also talk to us about how the developments in the digital
revolution is impacting us all, how the publishing industry works and
survives, and more.
The time for this meeting is 7:30 PM CT.
The numbers for you to call are:
Phone Number: (218) 339-4300
Conference Number: 568839 Pound
Robert Leslie Newman
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NFB Writers' Division, president
Chair of the Newsletter Publications Committee
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