[stylist] Reading audio books

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri Jan 6 15:51:43 UTC 2012

I read about 75 percent of my books via my Victor stream. The other 25
percent is by my PAC Mate braille display. And as for where or when I read
audio books --- I bet I can count the number of minutes on one hand, that
I've sat and listened to an audio book. It would be a problem, I'd get
sleepy, too! I do my audio reading while doing other things, like: washing
dishes, pulling weeds, exercising, cooking, washing the car, etc. I do sit
when I'm reading Braille books; one of my favorite times to use my PAC Mate
to read, is lying in bed, before I go to sleep. (and if during the small
hours of the night, if I'm not able to sleep, I'll do some more reading,
there under the covers.)

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