[stylist] Childhood's end (for change assignment)

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Sat Jan 14 22:01:06 UTC 2012

Hi Barbara,

I like the sentiment of this poem, and as a father I can relate, although I 
hope a kid is still a few years away from booze and drugs at 13. Some 
possible considerations for improvement are:
1. Make your rhyming lines the same number of beats. You mostly do this with 
5, but go as high as 8 and as low as 3 (in the fall)
2. Consider dropping some of the 'you's, especially in the first half of the 
poem. Your sentences may need a little reworking, but I don't think you need 
to spell it out, and it adds a little subtlety to the piece.
3. Consider making it shorter. To me, the many examples of things gone from 
childhood over-do it. I like the first 'childhood's end line as an end line, 
and might move one of your stanzas to be before it, delete the stanza with 
sex and drugs and booze, and then end there.

Thanks for sharing.



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