[stylist] A copy of my accessibility article

Bill Outman woutman at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 28 01:33:46 UTC 2012

Hi, Donna and list.  

I thought this was a well-written article.  

I checked last year's Washington seminar legislative agenda which I still
had on file and found the first item was a proposal for a Technology Bill of
Rights which might address many of the issues your article raises.  

Before your article showed up I had been working on a draft of some
proposedlegislative strategy and that bill was one of the missing pieces I
need to reference.  

My idea came about with the recent news about SOPA (Stop On-line Piracy

There have been some concerns raised about this bill that have caused it to
be stalled for the present.  In concept, though, if the concerns about
Internet security and web freedom could be properly balanced in a re-written
bill, it could be a useful vehicle for enacting our Technology Bill of
Rights.  After all, security is the excuse for inaccessible technologies
such as CAPCHA.  

I'm not sure if my idea would work but I'm trying to think out loud and
explorepossible solutions.  

Bill Outman 

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