[stylist] November writing assignment
Jacobson, Shawn D
Shawn.D.Jacobson at hud.gov
Fri Nov 23 14:00:11 UTC 2012
Here is a poem for the gratitude writing assignment.
I apologize for being out of the loop recently. This has been convention season (also internal audit season) as well as Holiday season. Much has happened.
I look forward to being more active in the future.
A Federationist's Prayer
Gracious Father God
who also is my Mother
I pray this to you.
Let my not take for granted
harder blessings from your hands.
When I am frustrated by the petty tries of the office,
its mean strife and political nonsense,
remind me that work and the right to be useful is hard won.
Remind me of institution days when the thought of earning a living
seemed as farfetched as science fiction
as unreachable as fantasy.
Remind me of those who came before and cleared the way
to this office, this challenge, this chance to triumph.
When I am weary at home by disobedient children
by spousal unhappiness and a round for chores without end
remind me that having a family and children is a gift.
Remind me of my struggle to adopt our children
and how we worked to win through to success.
Remind me of those who have had their children taken from them
who struggled on and struggle still to hold on to their families.
Let me be thankful and give me the strength
to win through to success in parenthood.
When I wake up dreading the perils of a brand new day
remind me that all days, even the hard days
especially the hard days are gifts from you.
Remind me of the tools that have been given to me
the gifts of the spirit, the alternative techniques of your grace
the possibility for joy beyond the petty fears ahead.
Remind me that the troubles to will pass
and that the troubles to are opportunities
to reach higher, to find a greater horizon of joy.
Mighty Father God
who also is my Mother
I persist in trust
that you will watch over me
and bare me in safety home.
Shawn Jacobson
Mathematical Statistician
Phone# (202)-475-8759
Fax# (202)-485-0275
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