[stylist] new writing prompt

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Fri Feb 8 17:31:18 UTC 2013

Greetings fellow scribes--

Here in Connecticut we've already got 3 inches of snow, and the predictions are between 18 and 36 inches by the time the blizzard is done. Since the house is clean and I'm up to date on my work, I figured it would be a great time for a new writing prompt. The last two in December and January didn't get much participation, so let's try one that might be a little more fun this month.

The prompt is simple. Take a line from a song, any song, and use it as the first line in a poem, essay or short story. There are no other limitations, so I hope to see some creative responses. I'd also like to encourage everyone to give constructive feedback to those who post their work. I can't reiterate the importance of critiquing other's work enough. It will help to improve your own writing.

For those interested in even more of a challenge,pick a number between 1 and 10. Turn on your ipod, set it to shuffle, and go forward that number of songs. You must use a line from the song you  land on.

Looking forward to your responses.


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