[stylist] Correction- Writers' Division February Telephone Gathering - Poetry, life and you

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri Feb 22 13:23:33 UTC 2013

Dear Division &/or STYLIST Member:

(Let me try this again! [Hate it when this happens- wrong phone number!)

RE: A reminder of our upcoming February meeting that occurs in two days!


Date of Gathering: Sunday February 24th 


Time: 8:30 PM ET, 7:30 PM CT, 6:30 PM MT, 5:30 PM PT


Phone#: 1-218-339-4300 (Correct)


Access code: 568839Pound


***Here is Lynda's note to us:


Good Morning NFB Writers:


I am excited to be participating in the next phone conference call on
Sunday, February 24th!  


I would like to explore our thoughts on  our own life experiences and how we
can use them in our writing. 


I thought it could be fun to think about our own culture and how that guides
us in our lives and in our writing experiences.  


African American poet, Rita Dove, brings us so many timely issues for us to
consider in a video interview. But, what has really been a surprise to me,
is the discovery of the parallels between  the issues she discusses with us,
as blind writers. I have never realized this before, because I had never had
any insight into blind issues until my own sight loss five years ago. 


The link below will take you to this video. I hope you can watch it prior to
our phone conversation.  It is about 80 minutes long, but I promise you it
will be well worth the time to watch it and listen to her ideas on
education, race, writing, philosophy, vision, and style.  This video is an
interview with former US Poet Laureate, and Pulitzer Prize winner, Rita
Dove. Dove is an African American poet, author of many books of poetry., and
Professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University.


The  video conversation covers a very wide range to topics and they are all
topics that we deal with in our own life, and in our writing. 


I would love for our list members from a myriad of cultural backgrounds to
participate and share experiences as they relate to Rita Dove's comments.

Please listen to this video and make some notes about what has been valuable
to you as a writer.  How does Rita Dove view the life of writing? How do you
view your own life, as you write?


Here is the link to the video:






Lynda Lambert, BFA, MA, MFA

My Blog:  http://www.walkingbyinnervision.blogspot.com

My Website:  http://lyndalambert.com


***end of her message*** 



Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

Adjustment To Blindness And Visual impairment


NFB Writers' Division, president


Chair of the NFB Communications Committee

Vice President, NFBN Senior Division

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