[stylist] Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award

Donna Hill penatwork at epix.net
Wed Jan 16 17:21:59 UTC 2013

Hi Friends,
Just a head's up to all of you with complete novels ... The entry period for
the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) started Jan. 14 and ends
either Jan. 27 or when they reach their quota of 10,000. It's free to enter,
but you must set up a Create Space account (also free):
Here's a link to all the particulars:
11> &node=332264011
Here's a summary of the requirements ... The novel must fit into one of the
following categories: General Fiction, Romance, Mystery/Thriller, Science
Fiction/Fantasy/Horror or Young Adult
Fiction. It can be either unpublished or self published, must be between
50,000 & 100,000 words and you must own all the rights to it (no co-authored
books). You'll need a manuscript in .doc, .docx or a couple other file
types, a 300 word pitch, an excerpt of between 3,000 & 5,000 words (from the
beginning of the book) and a 300 word bio. Manuscript, excerpt and pitch
must not have your name in the file name or body. The initial stage of the
contest looks only at the pitches.
I just entered, and the form was a bit tricky, but I filled out and uploaded
everything except doing the CAPTCHA, which Web Visum couldn't do. Also,
although they say to use only Firefox or Chrome, my sighted husband couldn't
find the CAPTCHA graphic until we tried using IE.
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