[stylist] Harry Potter

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Thu May 2 04:43:27 UTC 2013


I agree with you.

I had friends in high school who practiced Wicca, and it' interesting
how pop-culture sifts through information to create a form of truth
usually lacking accuracy, grin.

I also think books like Harry Potter are not dangerous or promoting any
kind of lifestyle despite what kernels of truth may be plucked to use.

Celtic traditions are abundant in western culture especially within
western Christianity. Most Christmas traditions derived from Celtic
ones, and in fact, the Puritans refused to celebrate Christmas because
of this very fact for years. Easter itself has pagan Celtic over-lays,
the word Easter originating from a Celtic term.

And this topic has come up before, and before I'm blasted out of the
water *I say this with humor, smile* for these comments, let me say this
knowledge not only comes after years of studying various texts both
religious and literary, I have a background in Christian studies
beginning with the fact that my father is a pastor, and I have a minor
in Biblical studies from a Christian university. Also, pick up a history
book, grin.

So we get our panties in a bunch over someone like Rowling incorporating
certain types of material, yet the masses have no clue where their
traditions stem from. And just because Rowling used or was influenced by
certain information doesn't mean she believes in it or is promoting a
way of living.

Message: 14
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 20:25:19 -0700
From: Eve Sanchez <3rdeyeonly at gmail.com>
To: "Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [stylist] Harry Potter
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Just to be clear; Wicca is not witchcraft. Not all witches are Wiccan
and not all Wiccans are witches. I am not saying that Rowling was
teaching the craft, but she did borrow lots from it. This also shows how
much care she took in learning truth to use in her fictional piece. She
gathered from many sources, not just one. And sorry, if you learn the
root history of the words used for one of the unforgivable spells, you
will find, with some Middle English manipulation, an ancient spell. It
did not have the same meaning as she uses it, but there is an
evolutionary link that she utilized. Yes, Harry Potter is a fictional
piece, but it has many elements that are taken from truth, as has been
said, like language, history, and witchcraft too. And sorry, I see no
dangers in it. Eve

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