[stylist] Writers' Division Teen Track Writing Workshop at Convention - help on game questions, please

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Mon May 27 13:52:08 UTC 2013

Dear Writers' Division Membership:


Hey you all --- this could be fun to do --- read the below request, then put
on your thinking caps and email me resulting game questions!


Working up what it is we need to put together for our Wednesday July 2nd
Teen Track writing workshop in Orlando. MMM, Do any of you have an
educational game we can play --- like, a word game, a question and answer
trivial pursuit game about writing? MMM, could we make one up? (Maybe ask
the writers division membership to send in questions, that ask about a
factual point on writing. Like, --- What is the reference book that you can
go to find different forms of a word, like its synonyms, or antonyms? What
is an ISBN number- A. A number to identify the author. B.   International
Society of Book Networks. C. (The correct meaning, whatever it is - not
heard it for  a while). And more 

(How creatively educational can you get? Dig into history, little  known
facts about writing equipment, about using a book agent, or of the
publishing business, or about a type of poetry form, or famous sayings
relating to writing, etc.)


Do send your game questions and answers to me direct. 

Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

Adjustment To Blindness And Visual impairment


NFB Writers' Division, president


Chair of the NFB Communications Committee   


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