[stylist] Writers' Division Teen Track Writing Workshop atConvention - help on game questions, please

Donna Hill penatwork at epix.net
Mon May 27 22:54:09 UTC 2013

A few thoughts.

First: ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, and it is a
unique identifier not just for a single title, but each version of the title
(hardback, paperback, eBook versions and audio should each have their own
unique ISBN). There are about 160 official ISBN providers worldwide; in the
US, all ISBNs come either directly or indirectly from R.R. Bowker. 

The ISBN is not the same thing as the US's LCCN, Library of Congress Control
Number, which is unique to the title and is not given to e-versions. Neither
is the same as a copyright. Create Space, Smashwords and others give every
book an ISBN. Create Space also sells LCCNs, which are necessary if you want
your book distributed by Baker & Taylor, which is what libraries use.

Here are a few multiple choice questions:

Q 1. Unpublished authors need which of the following, if they wish to
attract the attention of major publishers: 1. the address and phone number
for the publisher, 2. the e-mail address for the publisher, 3. a great book
or 4. a literary agent. 
Answer: 4. a literary agent. Established publishers do not work directly
with unpublished authors but do have relationships with literary agents who
pitch new books to the publishers they work with. 

Q 2. Who said, "A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds,
to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to
1. Lord Byron, 2. Emily Dickenson, 3. Homer, or 4. Salman Rushdie. 
Answer: 4. Salman Rushdie, whose novel The Satanic Verses, provoked Iran's
dying Ayatollah Khomeini (on Valentine's Day 1989) to issue a "fatwa," a
call for Rushdie's death.

Q 3. Which of the following was said by the American poet Robert Frost?
1. Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.   
2. A poem begins with a lump in the throat.   
3. A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom.
4. All of the above.
5. None of the above.
Answer: 3. all of the above.

-----Original Message-----
From: stylist [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Robert Leslie
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 9:52 AM
To: Robert Leslie Newman
Subject: [stylist] Writers' Division Teen Track Writing Workshop
atConvention - help on game questions, please

Dear Writers' Division Membership:


Hey you all --- this could be fun to do --- read the below request, then put
on your thinking caps and email me resulting game questions!


Working up what it is we need to put together for our Wednesday July 2nd
Teen Track writing workshop in Orlando. MMM, Do any of you have an
educational game we can play --- like, a word game, a question and answer
trivial pursuit game about writing? MMM, could we make one up? (Maybe ask
the writers division membership to send in questions, that ask about a
factual point on writing. Like, --- What is the reference book that you can
go to find different forms of a word, like its synonyms, or antonyms? What
is an ISBN number- A. A number to identify the author. B.   International
Society of Book Networks. C. (The correct meaning, whatever it is - not
heard it for  a while). And more 

(How creatively educational can you get? Dig into history, little  known
facts about writing equipment, about using a book agent, or of the
publishing business, or about a type of poetry form, or famous sayings
relating to writing, etc.)


Do send your game questions and answers to me direct. 

Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

Adjustment To Blindness And Visual impairment


NFB Writers' Division, president


Chair of the NFB Communications Committee   


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