[stylist] Journal Writing Workshop at Maryland State Convention

Amy McGarrah amyemcgarrah at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 10:22:32 UTC 2013

Please post to the listservs.

Hello NFB Members,
My name is Amy McGarrah.  I am in the process of making final 
preparations to give a workshop on journal writing/diary keeping 
at the NFB of Marforand State convention in Ocean City in 
What I need to know from fellow federationists is how many would 
be interested in participating in such a workshop.  I have enough 
supplies for 34 participants,  doesn't mean that more can't come.
ge of Journaling has been a part of my life since I was a child.  
I've been keeping journals/diaries since about the age of nine or 
Journaling is something that anyone, whether a writer or not can 
do.  The purpose of this workshop is to teach people who may not 
know about the process and what it takes to keep a journal.
Some supplies will be provided, but if attendees want to bring 
their own, that's fine too.
Anyone who is interested in attending the workshop, please get in 
touch with me via email:
amyemcgarrah at gmail.com
between now and November 7th so that I can create a list of 
possible attendees.
Thank you,

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