[stylist] So Long, Mr. Stevens?

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Thu Apr 17 12:37:22 UTC 2014


We grow, we change, we age. It's all part of the journey. As kids, we loved 
cotton candy. As adults, you couldn't pay us to eat it. When I was a boy, I 
loved the Hardy Boy mysteries. When my son was around 10, we read one, and 
it was awful. Offensive in fact, since they always made fun of the fat kid. 
In my twenties, I loved Jack Kerouac, and even smoked a joint by his grave. 
But I'd never want to read him today, because I feel certain the magic would 
be gone. He's frozen in time, and I'm a different man. And like it or not, 
that's just the way it is.

My advice? Embrace the journey, and all that has made you who you are today.


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