[stylist] Poem - "Pharaohs" - Second Draft

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 06:02:03 UTC 2014

HI Gang,

Wrote this one just this morning, and made it to the 2nd and a halfish 
draft since.  I feel it's a half fair effort, though maybe not as 
successful as "Christmas Card" was, if you remember that one.  Comments 
welcome, even if they're boo hiss, LOL.




Surely, some wonder's the key

to this ancient feat:fitting five

ton blocks each to each, that nary

a razor can slip between joins.

No need to hustle in Martians or masters

of spacetime as perfect as wheels.

They were strange as ourselves,

if otherwise drawn: an African culture

of princes and fools,farmers and priests

as wise and as dull as our own.

Worker's graves near pyramid

mount tell a tale of human extemt:

of broken bones, inadequate wages,

a pharaoh's unslakeable ache

to beard the gods in river-fed den;

so kin to them, we are, so hungry for heaven

our cars like elegant barges of steel.

In them we ply our avenue Niles,

keep feral desert gods

(O Horus cash my check)

fear famine, plague and debt,

and divers crocodiles.


"Oh, Sophie!  Whyfore have you eated all de cheeldren?"

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