[stylist] Writers' Division February Telephone Gathering - Special guest, Editor of Future Reflections
Robert Leslie Newman
newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Feb 22 14:31:18 UTC 2014
Dear member
RE: Special Guest- Debbie Kent Stine, Editor of our NFB, Future Reflections
Here is the information you need to get on our call:
Date for our meeting: Sunday, February 23rd
Time: 8:30 ET, 7:30 CT, 6:30 MT, 530 PT
Number to call: (712) 432-0460
Access code: 568839Pound
Debbie will give us the history of the mag, how it is put together, her
editing style, and what material she seeks for the publication. And yes,
this is another publishing opportunity for our membership.
Robert Leslie Newman
Personal Website-
President, NFB Writers' Division
Division Website-
Chair, NFB Communications Committee
Vice President, Nebraska Senior Division
First Vice President, Omaha Chapter
Commissioner, Nebraska commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
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