[stylist] Happy New Year

April Brown aprilbrownshade at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 12:05:05 UTC 2014

Happy New Year!
> I haven't posted in several months. It seems the time has been filled with doctors appointments.
> I am learning braille, though it's a slow process.  My goal for this year is to read a braille book.
> I not only have severe vision loss I have severe hearing loss as well. So, listening to the talking books is more exhausting than reading on the screen.  
> My Windows computer crashed twice and had to be reformatted twice. We determined that cost wise, rather than buying all the programs for Windows, It would be cheaper to buy a Mac Mini.  I lost probably a week reformatting my computer twice. I have spent the last week learning how to use the Mac Mini. I have found that Dictation works well in social media, and not badly on e-mail. Though talking is exhausting. Sometimes it has trouble understanding me.
> Now using it in Pages is another matter. It seems to crash if I  work in a large file. Or, is it because the files were originally written in Word? Somehow, dictation doesn't seem to work nearly as well in Pages I am not sure why.
> I am learning to use the speech command, although that too can be exhausting.  Listening for long times is not easy. I have attempted to start using Voiceover. That program is really overwhelming. Of course, I never did use keyboard commands, as they confuse me. And the few that I did use are no longer relevant.
> So I haven't been writing much. Although I have worked on my cookbook. It is coming along nicely.
> Have a great day,
> April Brown
> Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.
> aprilbrownwrite at gmail.com
> Website: https://sites.google.com/site/uncoveredmyths/
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/UncoveredMyths
> Google Plus:  https://plus.google.com/116003267969710767555/posts

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