[stylist] Here's my attempt at being tactile to the folks who want everything for nothing

Donna Hill penatwork at epix.net
Fri Jan 24 20:51:34 UTC 2014

Hi Friends,
Well, I did it, and I thought those of you who participated in this
discussion might appreciate reading what I finally came up with.
Block quote
Thank you for your interest in my book and program. Yes, The Heart of
Applebutter Hill is available in print. You can find information about
getting it at:
http://DonnaWHill.com <blocked::blocked::http://donnawhill.com/> 
FYI, I just want to be sure that you are aware that there are free ways of
reading e-books on computers. With Kindle for PC and Adobe Digital Editions,
for instance, you would have access to most of the e-books out there -- many
of which are free. Also, the .pdf and .rtf versions work on any computer.
As for coming next fall, I would enjoy speaking with your education
students; it's one of my favorite types of presentations. I believe in doing
free presentations, but I limit myself to groups closer to home. We live
over an hour from Wilkes-Barre, and as a blind person, I have to get someone
else to drive. 
That said, my suggestion would be that, if your group has no specific
funding, you try to get funding through your department. You could also
reach out to other groups and departments who would benefit from the
presentation. Educators are not the only professionals who encounter people
with disabilities. In fact, every profession from  the medical profession,
psychology and social work to computer science and business requires people
to make decisions about including people with disabilities, whether they are
aware of those decisions or not. There are also legal issues and, of course,
the creative writing angle. You also might consider a community partnership.
Block quote end

-- The Heart of Applebutter Hill - a novel on a mission:

http://DonnaWHill.com <http://donnawhill.com/> 


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