[stylist] Poem - "Kal-El" - ??? Draft

William L Houts lukaeon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 02:08:12 UTC 2014

Hey Fellow Blinks,

Here's a sonnet I wrote about a year and a half ago.  It's probably not 
one of my better sonnets, but I think that it's not without its charms.  
It's about a peculiar person, a hunchback, whom I met when I was doing 
poetry slams about twenty years back.    You always want to be very 
liberal and warm about such people, but this one always made me feel 
that he was racing at my balls with a pointed stick. Nonetheless, I hope 
this poem describes him with a razor edge without using him as an alien 
other punching bag.



The dwarf had glamors thick and fast, and tongue

of winds surpassing glib. The rhymes we sang

he echoed back,as if we keatses hung

our hopes on dwarfish lauds:by fist and fang

we fought, we jugglers all, to win his nod,

and only later laughing, lighter, learned

that Kal was caught for diamond swindles flawd

as dwarvish bones.I wasn't burned,

but cheered for days. We rhymed his ways, his jails,

his monkey-fingered fevered grasping hands,

and worst of all his eyes like rusty reddened nails.

O poetswift, o poet pure and grand!

He wasn't bad as that: you shared some beeers.

and Nature screwed him thrice with wicked, witchy glands:

he lives the life your gentle dreaming fears.

So grant him grace, and let him truly stand

among the human host, with all our tears.

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