[stylist] Bill's poetry

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Thu Jul 3 19:46:05 UTC 2014

Hi Bill,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on these. I could say I was at 
national convention, but I'd be lying. Truth was, I was fishing off Cape Cod 
and consuming large quantities of ale at Liam McGwire's Irish Pub in 
Falmouth. But before I get too off track spinning pub catalyzed fishing 
yarns, let's look at your poems.

I like this sonnet. Even without your preamble, I can see your nemisis 
through the emotion of your words. One point--you have too many E's in the 
word 'beers', unless that was on purpose. And I'm not sure about your title. 
I'm assuming the title refers to Kal-el, the boy from the planet Krypton who 
later becomes the hero commonly known as Superman--but is that how you see 
your dwarfish adversary?

'Close Encounters'
I do remember that scene in the film, and the torture we felt in our hearts 
as we understood completely both the mother and the boy's positions. Without 
knowing the movie, though, this poem won't work for a general audience.

Why did you use slashes in the first line?

I like the last stanza, although the lion, while a good image, takes the 
reader away from the movie. Could you use another image to accomplish the 


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