[stylist] allieviating the jam
Miss Thea
thearamsay at rogers.com
Mon Mar 17 16:31:48 UTC 2014
Chris, my cat is very rarely successful in not biting. I just know how to
pull my hand away.
So you have heard the "thapp thapp" of a cat's thin, flexible ear-flaps. It
depends on how the flaps move, whether they brush, tap, or pat, and on what
part of your hand the flap lands.
If you can slip your hand under that thin, flexible edge of silk, and it
flaps or flutters, it will make different sounds. "Thap" or "pap" or even
Thea And There-There, angel currently on assignment as a cat
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Kuell
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 10:31 AM
To: Writer's Division Mailing List
Subject: [stylist] allieviating the jam
Atty - thank you for posting the list to the flash (and other) fiction
markets. I always appreciate it when folks help make the searching easier
for me. I actually have a couple of flash pieces ready to be sent out, I
think--so thanks.
Thea - Great job on the Baklava rewrite. I like the beginning much better
this way. And I enjoyed your 'There-There' poem. I'm also a cat guy, and
know the behavior and sounds you described very well--although our cat isn't
always successful in not biting when we play.
Bill - I enjoyed your spider poem very much. As previously stated, I'm not a
poet, but I really connect with the poems you have posted here. I can't say
the same for probably 70% of the poems I read.
Anne - Thanks for posting the link to the healing writing seminar. I enjoy
writing seminars, even if they aren't in my area of interest, and you can't
beat the price.
Happy Saint Patty's day, all.
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