[stylist] Message from David Stayer

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri May 2 11:58:39 UTC 2014

Lori had joined a cancer support group. She had said to me we are going to
Washington but not Albany. Of course I agreed. Unknown to me she had
mentioned that she was going to Washington to the support group and all of
them including the social worker tried to talk her out of going. They argued
that she had to care for herself. Lori refused and we went to Washington.
She in my belief as a sighted Federationist she was as dedicated to our
cause as any blind Federationist. Because of Lori ordering me two days
before her death on Tuesday, April, 29, 2014 I will still try my best to be
a better person and stay committed to r Federation Family. My memory is
shaky at the moment and it is likely that I have forgotten to send this to
some. You are welcome to share the information if you deem it worthy. Thank
you for your love and support and I will spend my remaining years trying to
help us and trying to be a better person than I am.  


Each day is a precious gift 

David R. Stayer, LCSWR 



Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

 <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info/> http://www.thoughtprovoker.info

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website-


Chair, NFB Communications Committee

Vice President, Nebraska Senior Division 

First Vice President, Omaha Chapter

Commissioner, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired


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