[stylist] Does anyone know of any online writing classes?

Natalie Barrett via stylist stylist at nfbnet.org
Wed May 28 01:43:59 UTC 2014

Hello all,

It's been awhile since I'm checked in. I'm still attempting to write,
get an MA in creative writing, etc.

But as my subject line asks, I'm wondering if anyo of you know of any
online writing classes? I apologize if this subject has already been
brought up.

I have opened my file again with the rehab for the blind, and I have a
very supportive counselor. It's re-kindled my thoughts of taking
online writing classes, etc. Not just for fiction writing, but classes
to help with writing in general. Things that could encompass
journalism, screen writing, etc. I'm looking to get experience mainly,
and I'm hoping perhaps some classes might help.

Anything is an option. If it's with a college or university that's a
distance class, that might be an option too.

If anyone can help, please elt me know. I appreciate anything sent my way.

Thank you,

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