[stylist] editing these days or is it the OCR.

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Tue Nov 11 00:33:00 UTC 2014


Reputable newspapers and magazines always used to use copy editors and fact
checkers before publishing work. I wrote an op-ed piece for the Hartford
Courant about a dozen years ago, and the fact checker wanted copies of all
my sources before they would publish the piece. 

I don't know if this is still true today, since print media has been slashed
so much, they probably can't afford these people any more. And, in general,
I find online publications to be far more interested in getting material up
quickly than they are in producing a high quality, well edited piece.

Personally, I hire a friend who is sighted with a degree in English to
proofread/copyedit my work, including issues of Breath and Shadow, before
putting them out there. Even so,  mistakes happen, but I try to keep them to
a minimum.


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