[stylist] thank you all plus clarification

Vejas Vasiliauskas alpineimagination at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 19:29:27 UTC 2015

Hi All,
Thank so much for these of you who read this book review and 
comwithed.  To answer a few questions:
Yes, the site source is in MLA format.
The reason I thought it was strange about the girl who was gay in 
Victorian England being so open was because I thought most people 
always hid it and always played happy families by being in a 
heterosexual relationship.  Thank you so much for educating me on 
this, Bridgit; I'll probably just get rid of this part.
Yes, I agree that it can't really be her fault about the cultural 
aspect because she mostly grew up in America and in an English 
community in Portugal, so this is what she knows.  I guess 
writing about that in the review makes it unfair.  It would be 
like if I wanted a chicken sandwich but went to In and Out and 
judged it for not having the sandwiches.
Could I just ask what you mean by "style?" What about her writing 
should I be commenting on exactly? I know that in fiction books 
you can criticise the plot but you can't do that with memoirs.

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