[stylist] Writing List Trends

Semirhage severus13 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 02:10:04 UTC 2015

First of all on the topic of writing, just yesterday I posted screen writing 
info. Not saying anyone was interested or not, but it was on writing topic 
and I posted it. LOL.
Also if things are being spoken of that I don't care about I know where my 
delete key is, on this group or any other. I don't think I read all the 
messages on any of my groups, even roleplay. If I'm not in a particular plot 
i often don't have time to read it even there.
As for this list, though...I won't repeat what Brigit said, though when I 
did join the list several months back I was told by our then president that 
anything and everything is talked about on this list. The topic came up 
because the site listed 2 email lists for the writer's group. This one, 
which I assumed was just for writing topics and another that is apparently 
dead that was said to be for general chat. That would have been there off 
topic from writing chat would go. So made sense to me to have both lists, 
but the other list was dead, so the site info was out of date on that. I 
just recalled this just now. LOL. But that was when I was told it's all done 
here. Writing, nonwriting, whatever. And I guess spiritualism would go into 
nonfiction writing and so that's another constructive way it's been useful.
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.
I get along with the voices inside of my head. 

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