[stylist] A poem written a few weeks ago

myrnaspoetry at yahoo.com myrnaspoetry at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 2 22:37:49 UTC 2015

Hello everyone... I've not written much since my illness but every now and then words do come.. This is written in the pantoum form.  It is not one I do often but fun to play with now and again.  I hope it is enjoyed. Myrna  
Perhaps It Was Destiny

It simply began with a planted seed
Though I knew not from whence it came
Perhaps it was destiny, or maybe need
I accepted the presence, casting not blame

Though I knew not from whence it came
Soon my thoughts were filled with words
I accepted the presence, casting not blame
Just embracing the miracle that occurred

Soon my thoughts were filled with words
Into a waiting pen their ink did spill
Just embracing the miracle that occurred
I sought time's parchment for my thoughts to fill

Into a waiting pen their ink did spill
Perhaps it was destiny, or maybe need
I sought time's parchment for my thoughts to fill
It simply began with a planted seed.

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