[stylist] Time to Submit - Magnets and Latters

Finefrock, Melissa mel.finefrock at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 04:46:12 UTC 2015

Barbara, I couldn't have said it better ... got a chuckle because this is 
something I often go through, myself. Best of luck! :)


-----Original Message----- 
From: Barbara Hammel via stylist
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 10:39 PM
To: Lynda Lambert ; Writers' Division Mailing List
Subject: Re: [stylist] Time to Submit - Magnets and Latters

I'm just glad to see I have longer to deliberate than I thought.  For some
reason I thought they were due this month.  Just wish a poetry geni would
tell me which of the 12 I've picked out to submit.  Funny how you think you
have some pretty good stuff but when you think of actually trying to get
something published nothing seems good enough.

Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.--Robert Frost
-----Original Message----- 
From: Lynda Lambert via stylist
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 4:18 PM
To: Robert Leslie Newman ; Writers' Division Mailing List
Subject: Re: [stylist] Time to Submit - Magnets and Latters

Thanks, Robert! I want to encourage everyone to enter their best work here -
it's a great magazine. Mine are already sent out - just got it done today. I
know there are some terrific writers hee at NFB Writer's Division, and want
to let you all know this would be a great opportunity to get your work
published. Lynda Lynda

-----Original Message----- 
From: Robert Leslie Newman via stylist
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 8:57 AM
To: writers 0nfb
Subject: [stylist] Time to Submit - Magnets and Latters

(I received this. Want you all to have the opportunity.)

Hi there,

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and is ready to start the new
year. Once again, it is time to start thinking about your next submissions
for Magnets and Ladders. The deadline for the Spring/Summer edition is
February 15. here are our submission guidelines in case you are new to the
group or are in need of a refresher.

Disabled writers may submit up to three selections per issue. Deadlines are
February 15 for the Spring/Summer issue, and August 15 for the Fall/winter
issue. Writers must disclose their disability in their biography or in their
work. Biographies may be up to 100 words in length, and should be written in

Poetry maximum length is 50 lines. Memoir, fiction, and nonfiction maximum
length is 2500 words. In all instances, our preference is for shorter
lengths than the maximum allowed. Please single-space all submissions, and
use a blank line to separate paragraphs and stanzas. It is important to
spell check and proofread all entries. Previously published material and
simultaneous submissions are permitted provided you own the copyright to the
work. Please cite previous publisher and/or notify if work is accepted

We do not feature advocacy, activist, "how-to," or "what's new" articles
regarding disabilities. Innovative techniques for better writing as well as
publication success stories are welcome. Content will include many genres,
with limited attention to the disability theme. Announcements of writing
contests with deadlines beyond April 1 and October 1 respectively are

Have You Published a book? If you would like to have an excerpt of your book
published in an issue of Magnets and Ladders, please submit a chapter or
section of your book to submissions at magnetsandladders.org
<mailto:submissions at magnetsandladders.org>  The word count for book excerpt
submissions should not exceed twenty-five hundred words.

Please include information about where your book is available in an
accessible format. We will publish up to one book excerpt per issue.

Do you have a skill, service, or product valued by writers? For a minimum
contribution of $25.00 we will announce it in the next two issues of Magnets
and Ladders. All verifications of products or services provided are the
responsibility of our readers. Book cover design? Copyediting?

Critiques? Formatting for publication? Internet access or web design?

Marketing assistance? Special equipment? Make your donation through PayPal
(see magnetsandladders.org) or by check by March/September 1. 100-word
promotional information is due by February/August 15. Not sure about
something? Email submissions at magnetsandladders.org
<mailto:submissions at magnetsandladders.org> . All donations support Magnets
and Ladders.

Please email all submissions to submissions at magnetsandladders.org
<mailto:submissions at magnetsandladders.org> . Paste your submission and bio
into the body of your email or attach in Microsoft Word format. If
submitting Word documents, please put your name and the name of your piece
at or near the top of the document. Submissions will be acknowledged within
two weeks. You will be notified if your piece is selected for publication.

Final author approval and review is necessary if changes are needed beyond
punctuation, grammar, and sentence or paragraph structure. We will not
change titles, beginnings, endings, dialog, poetic lines, the writer's
voice, or the general tone without writer collaboration. If your work is
selected for inclusion in a future "Behind Our Eyes" project, you will be
notified; your approval and final review will be required. To insure we can
contact you regarding future projects, please keep us updated if your Email
address changes.

Again, we will be holding contests in the areas of fiction, nonfiction, and
poetry for the Spring/Summer issue of Magnets and Ladders. All submissions
will be entered into the contest. Cash prizes of $30 and $20 will be awarded
to the first and second place winners.

I look forward to reading your submissions.

Happy new year,



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