[stylist] Writers and depression

EJ Kobek ejkobek at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 22:33:35 UTC 2015

If we're thinking about depression = unhappiness, then writers' heightened
consciousness could be an element. Consciousness of injustice, suffering
(ours and others')....

As Alice James was quoted as saying in her journal, however, (included in
my book *Everyday Cruelty) *"Ah, those strange people who have the courage
to be unhappy! Are they unhappy, by-the -way?"

I know there are biological underpinnings (I.e., neurotransmitter problems,
poor uptake, adrenal gland burn out, thyroid issues, etc.) *sometimes* to
unhappiness, but I think our culture far too often labels mere misery
and yawning consciousness as depression, thus neutralizing our voices,
relegating those such folks to, oh, "mentally ill," instead of aware and
articulate. Another favorite quotation, related: "Societies honor their
live conformists and their dead rebels." Something like
that.....Medicalizing unhappiness is a superior and effective way of
silencing people's deep and true voices.

Oh, joy. Sob. Whimper. Sigh. Be okay. Be fine. Be great.


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